Art galleries


As a student at the University of Sunderland, I am doing research based on Art Galleries in the Newcastle area. I am using two research methods: participant observation and questionnaires as the research aim is to find out more about young people and the arts.

The survey would not take more than 5 minutes, and your answers would help me a lot!


Questionnaire results are publicly available

Which of the following Art Galleries have you visited? ✪

What are your main reasons for visiting the Art Gallery? ✪

With whom do you usually visit Arts Galleries? ✪

Are you interested in Arts? ✪

Which of the following types of exhibitions are you most interested in? ✪

When was your last visit to the Art Gallery? ✪

Which of the following facilities have you used during your last visit? ✪

Gender ✪

Age group ✪

Ethnicity ✪