Associations with certain realities of the Soviet era

(4) Fufaika

  1. 5 o'clock (fuff = hessian for 5, aika = finnish for "time")
  2. advertising campaign for youth project
  3. balaton
  4. balalaika
  5. ?
  6. 请提供需要翻译的内容。
  7. ???
  8. ludicrous word (i forgot the meaning)
  9. ?
  10. -
  11. no idea
  12. jackets
  13. (unknown)
  14. ??
  15. 请提供需要翻译的内容。
  16. african food?!?
  17. ?
  18. no idea
  19. i don't know that either.
  20. heard it before, but no associations
  21. oil pastry
  22. ?
  23. ???
  24. never heard
  25. none
  26. garment
  27. unknown
  28. never heard
  29. term unknown
  30. means nothing to me
  31. ?
  32. no idea
  33. laika
  34. never heard
  35. doesn't evoke any association - i don't know
  36. - (unknown)
  37. -
  38. practical
  39. winter, frost
  40. i don't know.
  41. little mother at field work
  42. not known
  43. typical russian jacket
  44. nothing
  45. -
  46. unknown
  47. nothing
  48. unknown
  49. i don't know what it is.
  50. work jacket
  51. ?
  52. band
  53. nothing
  54. jacket
  55. ??