ATHEALTH ERPS Questionnaire



This Questionnaire is used to study Nwaigwe Specialist Hospital Umuagwo (existing system) to enable me to

help build a software solution that will automate the existing manual system for the hospital. (ATHEALTH) ENTERPRISE RESOURCE PLANNING SYSTEM.

Questionnaire results are publicly available

What is your gender?

What is your age? ✪

What is the name of your Hospital? ✪

Will the staff member have a to-do list? ✪

Can a priority be set on the to-do list to show the most important work (for example, Emergency treatment)?

Can a staff member see the work allocated to them over a future time frame?

Can the system show active staff?

Can the staff member easily update the client with the progress of all their work from a single client view?

Would you like to have all drugs displayed in the system?

Would you like to have the system show sold and depleted drugs?

Would you like staff to sign in daily?

Is the manual clearly laid out and understandable?

Is the manual comprehensive and accurate?

Is the manual comprehensive and accurate?

Does the documentation clearly specify the actions to be taken by users at each important stage of processing?

Completed examples included in the manual?

Does the system store rate history for each employee?