Attitudes towards choosing new restaurants in London

Hello and welcome!

First of all, thank you very much for being on this page it will help me a lot to complete my Master degree.

My name is Sara and I am doing this survey in order to understand the behavior of Londoners when choosing a new restaurant in London.
This questionnaire shouldn't take long and your answers will be of great help in order to find out the pre-attitude of people!

Thank you again for participating and do not mind sharing it with your fellow London friends!

Questionnaire results are available only to the author

Gender ✪

Status ✪

Age ✪

Citizenship ✪

Culture (Rate this sentences below with the most suitable statement) ✪

Entirely Disagree
Mostly Disagree
Somewhat Disagree
Neither Agree Nor Disagree
Somewhat Agree
Mostly Agree
Entirely Agree
I have always been able to use technology
I have Always been interested to read things online
I have always used technology to answer my questions
I always have my phone on me
I love using my phone to find new places to discover
I love asking people for advices
I love discussing experiences with my friends
I love discussing experiences with my friends online
Using my phone is not a big thing to me
I have never been used to technology, even as a kid
I used to play a lot online when I was smaller
I used to play a lot outside with my friends when I was smaller
I only use my phone to call for meeting and catching up with my friends

Trust (Rate this sentences below with the most suitable statement) ✪

Entirely Disagree
Mostly Disagree
Somewhat Disagree
Neither Agree Nor Disagree
Somewhat Agree
Mostly Agree
Entirely Agree
I tend to listen to my friend's advices
I tend to rely on what is being said online (Reviews, Ratings coming from Facebook, Yelp, Tripadvisor, Twitter, etc)
I tend to trust online reviews about restaurant but I will ask my friends for further advices and comments
I tend to ask for my friends' opinions but I will look at online reviews and ratings to validate my friends' advices

Intentions (Rate this sentences below with the most suitable statement) ✪

Entirely Disagree
Mostly Disagree
Somewhat Disagree
Neither Agree Nor Disagree
Somewhat Agree
Mostly Agree
Entirely Agree
I don't tend to ask people for new restaurants to try
I tend to try new restaurant based on my previous discussions with my friends
I always ask my friends before going to a new restaurant
I always check online reviews and ratings when I want to try a new restaurant

Attitude (Pick the statement that is the most suitable to you) ✪

Pick the most suitable statement based on the Scenario 1 described below ✪

Pick the most suitable statement based on the Scenario 1 described below
Very unlikely
Very likely
Don't know
How likely are you to eat at this restaurant without looking for additional information
How likely would you consider the restaurant in your to-do list?
How likely would you feel about visiting the new restaurant?

Pick the most suitable statement based on the Scenario 2 described below ✪

Pick the most suitable statement based on the Scenario 2 described below
Very unlikely
Very likely
Don't know
How likely are you to eat at this restaurant without looking for additional information
How likely would you consider the restaurant in your to-do list?
How likely would you feel about visiting the new restaurant?

Pick the most suitable statement based on the Scenario 3 described below ✪

Note that you also have access to the reviews about the Roof.
Pick the most suitable statement based on the Scenario 3 described below
Very unlikely
Very likely
Don't know
How likely are you to eat at this restaurant without looking for additional information
How likely would you consider the restaurant in your to-do list?
How likely would you feel about visiting the new restaurant?