
Do you feel there is no one to help you secure a graduate job? With your input we can make this possible. Please take two minutes to support us with this questionnaire.

Have you heard of any of the following companies?

Have you had a job while in school?

How long does it generally take you to find a job?


    Have you used any of the following to aid your job searching?

    Other option


      Have you heard of video résumés?

      Have you made yourself a video résumé?

      Do you have a desired industry in which you would like to obtain employment?

      Have you been successful in obtaining a job in your desired industry?

      Are you seeking employment at any of the following companies?

      Other option


        Do you feel that your written CV accurately represents you as a potential candidate?

        Would you be willing to pay a fee in order to upload your own video résumé onto a job search database?

        Would you be willing to pay a fee in order to create a professional-looking video résumé?

        How much would you be willing to pay in order to create a professional-looking video résumé?


          Have you ever felt that you failed in making your best first impression in an interview?

          Would you like the option to be available to potential employers 24/7?

          Do you plan to begin working immediately after graduating?

          Do you want to obtain a full time employment or internship immediately after graduating in your desired industry?

          What do you currently use to make videos?

          Do you feel that your written CV accurately represents you?

          Do you think there is a potential market for video résumés that specifically targets graduates from the top business schools?

          What are the top 5 business universities in Canada?


            How comfortable do you feel about making a video of yourself to better represent your qualities and experiences?

            How old are you?


              What university do you currently attend?


                What type of degree are you working towards?

                What is your major?

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