Cat Calling Experiences

What is your most memorable experience with cat calling? How did it make you feel? This could be only one word or the whole story.

  1. I had an experience when I was running near campus by myself. It was a residential street with little to no regular traffic. I had a car drive by me and blow their horn at me and it was not in a friendly manner. The car was driven by a man in his mid twenties. If I had been with other people I would have made a rude gesture at him to express that what he just did was not appreciated. However, being that I was by myself, I did not feel comfortable or safe performing that action. Although it was not a serious encounter, it made me feel uncomfortable and exposed, like I was wearing less clothing than I really was.
  2. I studied abroad in a Spanish-speaking country and the most memorable experience I had while there was when I was walking down the street, by myself, with my ipod headphones in. I momentarily looked down at my ipod and in that time, a man who had been passing by me put his face about 6 inches from mine and yelled "Mami". Then he kept walking. At first I felt shocked, then after the fact I felt like he had totally intruded on my space and I felt anxious and offended.
  3. "Cunt!" didn't even see the face of the kid as his car passed
  4. I was in Prague, the men are much more outspoken in europe.
  5. "Everyone's had this happen to them at some point in their life" awkward.....
  6. creepy man whistled the tune to "blow my whistle" at my friends and I.. needless to say we were creeped out and I've never been able to think of the song the same way again!
  7. Some girls and I were walking down the street from our hotel looking for a place to eat when this truck load of men parked across the street from us started blaring their horn and whistling a us. They were calling out to us and it was night, we were in an unfamiliar area, there were four of us and we didn't know how many of them. It was uncomfortable and nerve wracking.
  8. I think it was probably either when a guy yelled at me to "get it wet" while I was jogging, or when I was walking home through downtown late one night and a guy verbally made note that I was alone and then even faked to move towards me just to freak me out.
  9. Once I was just minding my own business, walking to Walgreen's, and somebody screamed at me from their car, "FUCK YOU!!!" It shouldn't have, but it ruined my day.
  10. NYC born and raised but still not use to rudeness. Uncomfortable and tense