Climate and Politics 02

Take a few minutes to participate in our survey.

If none of the answers fit a question, choose the one that comes closest to yours and let us know in the feedback at the end.

Questionnaire results are available only to the author

Are you interested in politics in general?

What do you think of Germany's climate and environmental policy?

not at all satisfied
completely satisfied

Are you personally active in "Fridays for Future"?

Multiple answers possible

On a scale from 1 to 10: How important and serious is the topic of climate change to you?

0= completely indifferent
10= highest priority

Who do you think is responsible for doing something against the current development?

Multiple answers possible

Climate and environment are a global matter. To what extent do you think politics should be allowed to intervene at the federal level to align national interests with global interests?

Multiple answers possible

What are you personally doing for a better environment?

Multiple answers possible

Many people actually want to do more for climate/environmental protection but do not change their behavior. Can you think of reasons why that might be?

Is it possible to reach compromises on this topic, or must there be a few radical solutions in order to achieve goals for both a climate-friendly and/or economically viable future?

What do you think should generally be done in the world to curb climate change? (Politics, personal contributions, …)

Feedback on the survey: space for suggestions for change

Would you be willing to answer a few questions from our camera for a film on the same topic? If yes, please leave us your email address so we can contact you ✪