Communication about video games

If no, what kind of ad would interest you in playing a game?

  1. Fjkbxbmmmbxx
  2. It really depends on the game advertised, but to hook me specifically, ad should present either the core game idea or the setting in a concise manner. Long ads are not effective even in video format, it is often a mistake made by advertisers.
  3. Do not know at the moment
  4. There is no such ad
  5. the only times i've ever been interested in playing games i wasn't interested in previously have been when i've seen youtubers or streamers i enjoy play said games. in general i dislike ads, and prefer to take the recommendations of friends or content creators i trust over anything sponsored.
  6. none
  7. Maybe something very colorful
  8. Ads don't interest me in general but if it has a story based advertisement possibly with a twist and of course good looking visuals from the game, then it might get my interest.
  9. Accurate gameplay.
  10. No kind