I am a 4th year student at the Faculty of Social Sciences. I kindly ask for your help with a research on company reputation that I am conducting for the subject Corporate Communication. Complete anonymity is guaranteed. Thank you very much for your help!

1. Please list three companies that you believe are the most reputable. Rank them by reputation (1 = most reputable).

  1. i
  2. yes
  3. 抱歉,我无法翻译该内容。
  4. aksjldhf.
  5. thai pop song
  6. 抱歉,我无法处理该请求。
  7. pih]ip
  8. d
  9. ijwts wow! why can't i think of things like that?
  10. apple, nokia, adidas

2. What qualities/characteristics do you think a company must have in order for you to consider it reputable? List at least three.

  1. danny
  2. yes
  3. 抱歉,我无法翻译该内容。
  4. k pop
  5. 抱歉,我无法翻译该文本。
  6. s
  7. ijwts wow! why can't i think of things like that?
  8. quality products, design, innovation
  9. innovative, caring towards the environment, caring towards employees, financially correct.
  10. innovation advanced personnel policy transparent financial operations

3. Please list three companies that you believe are the least reputable. Rank them by reputation (1 = least reputable).

  1. fenton was just fourteen when his
  2. yes
  3. asdnjfl ksd.
  4. j pop
  5. ''''hk
  6. ds
  7. ijwts wow! why can't i think of things like that?
  8. samsung, hyundai, lg
  9. istrabenz, merkur, mura
  10. vegrad merkur sct

4. Why did you identify these companies as non-reputable? What qualities/characteristics do you think a company must have in order for you to consider it non-reputable? List at least three.

  1. "partent sbuilt a very strange emaschi"
  2. yes
  3. sjf ;lsdjf.
  4. indo pop song
  5. 'ih'l
  6. fsd
  7. ijwts wow! why can't i think of things like that?
  8. low-quality products, poor support (service, warranty, complaints, ...), poor treatment of employees
  9. payment discipline, incorrect treatment of employees and business partners, insufficient care for the environment.
  10. poor employee care lack of transparency in business poor crisis management

5. Please share your year of birth.

  1. 抱歉,我无法翻译该内容。
  2. yes
  3. hjskdlfh.
  4. other
  5. yes
  6. qlxacaml
  7. 1988
  8. 1979
  9. 1984
  10. 1988

6. Gender

7. Area of residence / region

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