Completed Test

Questionnaire results are available only to the author

Do you do the shopping yourself? ✪

If yes or partially, where do you do your shopping?

How often do you go shopping? ✪

Do you drink beer? ✪

If no, why?

If no, what do you drink instead of beer?

How often do you drink beer?

Do you drink craft beer?

Do you buy craft beer?

If yes or partially, where do you buy it?

Can you name some microbreweries?

Which craft beer brands do you prefer?

What type of beer do you prefer

Do you prefer foreign or Danish beers?

For what occasions do you drink beer?

Do you prefer craft beer or wine for special occasions?

Do you know FUR brewery?

If yes, how did you hear about it?

Have you tasted Fur?

On a scale from 1-5, how good do you think FUR brewery's beer tastes? (where 5 means you like it very much)

Do you prefer FUR over other craft beers?

If yes or partially, why?

How old are you? ✪

What gender are you? ✪

What postal code do you live in?