Consumer Etnocentrism

Etnocentrism in Consumer Behaviour
Questionnaire results are publicly available

1. People who live in Israel should always buy Israeli-made products instead of imports ✪

2. Only those products that are unavailable in Israel should be imported ✪

3. Buying Israeli-made products helps to support this country. ✪

4. Products made in Israel, first, last, and foremost. ✪

5. Purchasing foreign-made products is un-Israeli. ✪

6. It is not right to purchase foreign products, because it puts Israelis out of a job ✪

7. A real Israeli should always buy Israeli-made products ✪

8. We should purchase products manufactured in Israel instead of letting other countries get rich off us ✪

9. It is always best to purchase products made in Israel ✪

10. Other than necessities, there should be very little trading or purchasing of goods from other countries ✪

11. Israelis should not buy foreign products because it hurts business in Israel and causes unemployment ✪

12. Curbs should be put on all imports ✪

13. It may cost me in the long run, but I prefer to support products made in Israel ✪

14. Foreigners should not be allowed to put their products on our markets ✪

15. Foreign products should be taxed heavily to reduce their entry into Israel ✪

16. We should buy from foreign countries, only those products that we cannot obtain within our own country ✪

17. Israeli consumers who purchase products made in other countries are responsible for putting their fellow Israelis out of work ✪

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