Consumer Susceptibility to Interpersonal Influence - copy

With this poll, we would like to measure consumers' susceptibility to interpersonal influence.

I rarely purchase the latest fashion styles until I am sure my friends approve of them.

It is important that others like the products and brands I buy.

When buying products, I generally purchase those brands that I think others will approve of.

If other people can see me using a product, I often purchase the brand they expect me to buy.

I like to know what brands and products make good impressions on others.

I achieve a sense of belonging by purchasing the same products and brands that others purchase.

If I want to be like someone, I often try to buy the same brands that they buy.

I often identify with other people by purchasing the same products and brands they purchase.

To make sure I buy the right product or brand, I often observe what others are buying and using.

If I have little experience with a product, I often ask my friends about the product.

I often consult other people to help choose the best alternative available from a product class.

I frequently gather information from friends or family about a product before I buy.

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