Corporate Social Responsibility in Georgia

Dear Respondent,

 The purpose of this questionnaire is to determine the attitudes of the population of Georgia towards corporate social responsibility. Please answer the questions asked, as your responses will allow us to assess how widespread the idea of corporate social responsibility is in Georgia and how important it is to you. 

The results will be used for academic purposes only. The questionnaire is anonymous.

Thank you for your participation!

Questionnaire results are available only to the author

1. Which of the following represents your perception of corporate social responsibility? (Multiple options can be selected) ✪

2. Why is it important for you that a company engages in corporate social responsibility? (Multiple options can be selected) ✪

3. Please indicate how much you agree with the following statements: (1 - strongly disagree, 2 - somewhat disagree, 3 - neutral, 4 - somewhat agree, 5 - strongly agree) ✪

I would pay more for a product/service from a company that engages in corporate social responsibility
When purchasing a product/service, I pay attention to the company’s ethical standpoint
The impact of a product/service on the environment is important to me
If the price and quality of the product/service are the same, I buy from the company that engages in corporate social responsibility
I pay a lot of attention to the conditions of product production
The reputation and image of the company are important to me

4. Please select how important the following factors are to you when purchasing a specific product: (1 - not important at all, 2 - somewhat unimportant, 3 - average, 4 - important, 5 - very important) ✪

Reputation of the organization
Reports on the organization’s corporate social responsibility
Social influences (family, friends...)
Functional factors (need for the product, necessity...)
Personal factors (age, lifestyle...)
Psychological factors (motivation, perception, belief...)

5. In your opinion, how important is it for organizations to pay attention to the following areas? (1 - not important at all, 2 - somewhat unimportant, 3 - average, 4 - important, 5 - very important) ✪

Human rights
Environmental protection
Public access to corporate social responsibility reports
Employee welfare
Equality and fairness

6. In your opinion, what makes a company socially responsible? (Multiple options can be selected) ✪

7. From which source did you learn about corporate social responsibility? ✪

8. Your age ✪

9. Gender ✪

10. What is your main field of activity? ✪

11. Do you have any comments regarding the questionnaire? ✪