Corporate Social Responsibility

Dear Respondent,

This survey is conducted to understand your views on corporate social responsibility. We kindly ask you to answer the questions provided, as your opinion will help evaluate how widespread the idea of corporate social responsibility is in society and how important it is to you. The results obtained will be used for research purposes. The survey is anonymous.

Questionnaire results are available only to the author

1. In your opinion, which of the statements provided best describes corporate social responsibility (CSR)? (you can choose multiple options) ✪

2. Why is it important for you that the organization implements corporate social responsibility? (you can choose multiple responses) ✪

3. Please indicate how much you agree with the following statements: (1 - strongly disagree, 2 - disagree, 3 - neutral, 4 - agree, 5 - strongly agree) ✪

I would pay more for a product/service from a company engaged in CSR activities
When buying a product, I consider the ethical reputation of the company
The environmental impact of the product/service is important to me
If the price and quality of the product are the same, I choose a socially responsible organization when purchasing a product
I pay great attention to the conditions of product manufacturing
The reputation and image of the company are important to me

4. How important are the following factors to you as a buyer? (1 - unimportant; 2 - somewhat important; 3 - average; 4 - important; 5 - very important) ✪

Organization's reputation
Organization's CSR reporting
Influence of friends and family
Functional factors (needs, necessity to buy, etc.)
Personal factors (age, lifestyle, etc.)
Psychological factors (motivation, perception, beliefs, etc.)

5. In your opinion, how important is it for organizations to focus on these areas? (1 - unimportant; 2 - somewhat important; 3 - average; 4 - important; 5 - very important) ✪

Promotion of human rights
Corruption prevention
Environmental protection
Public CSR reporting
Ensuring employee well-being
Ensuring fairness and equality among employees

6. In your opinion, what makes a company most responsible? (you can choose multiple options) ✪

7. From what sources did you learn about corporate social responsibility? ✪

8. Your age ✪

9. Your gender ✪

10. Your current employment? ✪

11. Do you have any comments or observations related to corporate social responsibility? ✪