Criteria determining the purchase of your ready-to-wear clothes


Ready-to-wear has rather different connotations in the spheres of fashion and classic clothing. In the fashion industry, designers produce ready-to-wear clothing, intended to be worn without significant alteration because clothing made to standard sizes fits most people. They use standard patterns, factory equipment, and faster construction techniques to keep costs low, compared to a custom-sewn version of the same item. Some fashion houses and fashion designers produce mass-produced and industrially manufactured ready-to-wear lines, but others offer garments that are not unique but are produced in limited numbers.

This questionnaire will take about 10 or less minutes to fill; your answers will be used to create and improve on the production, cost, quality and to sustain the availability of ready-to-wear clothing in Lithuania and maybe the world at large. Your identity will not be disclosed completely, so feel free to express yourself in the response below.

Please note that this survey is not age or gender restrained.

Questionnaire results are available only to the author

1. Did you buy ready-to-wear clothes in the past year? ✪

(if no please finish and submit)

2. How many ready-to-wear clothing items have you bought in the last three months? ✪

(one purchase may contain 1 or more items)

3. Where did you make your last purchase of a ready-to-wear item? ✪

4. Please indicate the price range of any ready-to-wear item you typically purchase ✪

5. Please evaluate how important these criteria are for you when purchasing ready-to-wear items. ✪

Please choose between the range of 1 to 10 which ranges from very unimportant to very important
1 (very unimportant)2345678910 (very important)
Country of manufacture
Production quality
Production year
Wash and maintenance instructions

6. Please evaluate the physical characteristics of the item according to their importance when purchasing ready-to-wear. ✪

Please choose between the range of 1 to 10 which ranges from very unimportant to very important
1 (very unimportant)2345678910 (very important)
Production material

7. Please evaluate how these criteria influence the purchase of your ready-to-wear clothes. ✪

Please choose between the range of 1 to 10 which ranges from very unimportant to very important
1 (not important)2345678910 (very important)
Location of item in store
Famous brands
Design / (style)
Referrals/ recommendations from friends and family

8. Please indicate your age group ✪

9. What is your gender? ✪

Please indicate your monthly income level in Euros ✪

Please indicate your marital status ✪