Customer Privacy

With this questionnaire we are researching what kind of things are most private for consumers and if companies have some information about their customers that customers do not want them to have. Research is part of Social & ethical issues in information technology - course at Katholieke Hogeschool Leuven. Thank you for your time to answer!
Questionnaire results are available only to the author

Do you think companies have more information about you than you want them to have? ✪

How private are the following things for you as a customer? ✪

Not private
Not very private
Quite private
Very private
Full name
Date of birth
City you live
E-mail address
Phone number
Family relations (spouse, children etc.)
Social security/ID number
Shops and services you use most
Products and services you buy

Choose your gender: ✪

Choose your age: ✪

Your name:

Your address: