Customer satisfaction survey 1

Dear customer,

We would like to thank you for our cooperation in 2015 and we hope 2016 will be much better.

We want to improve so we ask you to fill in customer satisfaction survey. We will do our best that few minutes of your precious time will result into hours of your saved time and lots of Krones of your profit :)

Windex export team

Questionnaire results are publicly available

Name of your company

Number of employees

Your company is ........ (you can choose few)

Sales turnover

What kind of windows/doors do you sell? (you can choose few)

What other products/services does your company sell?

PVC windows/doors share in total sales

What do you think about PVC windows/doors market trend in year 2016?

What PVC turnover trend do you plan for year 2016?

What is the main reason you sell PVC windows/doors?

Who are your clients? (you can choose few)

Do you agree with following statements?

PVC windows/doors market share is going to grow in the future
PVC windows/doors will become more serious alternative to wooden windows due to price reasons
PVC windows/doors will become more serious alternative to wooden windows due to ecological factor
PVC windows/doors will become more serious alternative to wooden windows due to more robust heat insulation requirements
PVC windows/doors will become more serious alternative to wooden windows due to maintenance reasons
PVC windows/doors are mainly used in renovation of old construction buildings

Where do your customers install PVC windows/doors? (you can choose few)

Does your company provide PVC windows/doors installation service?

Would you be interested in installation services from WINDEX?

What other PVC manufacturers/wholesalers have you been considering (or working with now) besides WINDEX?

What are the key factors for your decision to work with WINDEX? (you can choose few)

What share from your overall PVC windows/doors volume you are buying from WINDEX?

How would you position WINDEX comparing to other PVC windows/doors suppliers?

Very satisfied
Somewhat satisfied
Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
Somewhat dissatisfied
Very dissatisfied
Product quality
Service quality (response time to emails, the way problems are solved, flexibility)
Lead time (time from order moment to reception of goods)
Logistics (packaging and transportation service)
Assortment of products
WINDEX person you are dealing with

What additional products/services you would be interested in? (you can choose few)

Would you be interested to get free Winkhaus calculation software for presenting your customers with fast quotations?

Could P-marked ( PVC windows/doors be a trigger for significant increment of your sales?

Would you recommend WINDEX to others?

Please name the main competitors (local producers, local importers, Polish exporters etc.) you face when selling PVC windows/doors in your market

What could help you significantly increase your business? (you can choose few)

What are the areas/processes WINDEX could improve?