Cyber Bullying

We are students in the BA (Hons) Business Administration and Management of Scope of City University of Hong Kong. We are doing a survey to find out how serious it is for people in Hong Kong.

We collect personal information voluntarily provided by the respondents, and the information will only be used for academic research. After this study, all the information obtained will be safely destroyed. Your opinions are most valuable in helping us complete the survey. Thank you.

1. Gender

2. Age

5. Do you know what cyber bullying is?

6. Have you ever used an online speech platform to express your views?

7. Which online speech platform do you think the majority of cyber bullying occurs? (Choose more than one)

8. How often do cyber bullying incidents occur?

9. What do you think are the causes for online bullying? (Choose more than one)

Other option

    10. Have you ever suffered from cyber bullying using the Internet to express your views on a speech platform? (e.g.: use malicious texts to attack you by other network users or groups)

    11. After you have been cyber bullied, have your emotions been affected?

    12. As the previous question, why would you have the above emotions?


      13. Do you think the government has adequate measures to deal with the cyber bullying problem?

      14. Which of the following do you think may decrease cyber bullying?

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