Cyprus Market Research: Prepared Diet Meal Plan Delivery Services - Customer Survey

Type below the last weight control product or diet you tried with satisfactory results?

  1. fasting
  2. normal diet
  3. slimming
  4. home production
  5. n/a
  6. none
  7. none
  8. 1234
  9. fasting
  10. fasting
  11. 8 week fast weight loss academy
  12. dietitian
  13. consulted by a dietitian
  14. no bread, no sugar, no refreshments, no potatoes, no rice.
  15. focus
  16. fasting
  17. my dietitian's program for weight/muscle gain.
  18. protein powder
  19. reducing sugar intake
  20. none
  21. had no program at all, just self-discipline.
  22. vegan
  23. ketogenic diet
  24. .
  25. custom prepared diet
  26. pdmpss, intermittent fasting
  27. measuring my metabolic rate (in calories) and having low-calorie meals with small snacks every 2 hours.
  28. self control