Death penalty

What kind of legal ways to execute a person do you know? (You may write your answer in Lithuanian)

  1. a
  2. hanging to death
  3. hanging
  4. hang, stone to death, behead
  5. hearing, hanging
  6. jill
  7. shooting, poisoning, electric chair, etc.
  8. shoot
  9. electric chair
  10. sweden
  11. hanging, electrocution, gassing, lethal injection, beheading, shooting
  12. consumption, execution, gas, lethal injection, electric chair, africa, and other underdeveloped countries
  13. punishment, prison, correctional colony, public works
  14. ajai.
  15. electric chair, gas, poison :)))
  16. execution, shooting, electric chair, administering a lethal dose of chemical substances, e.g., poisons.
  17. imprisonment, public works
  18. two cameras, lethal injection, hanging
  19. life imprisonment
  20. "useless until the end of life"
  21. electric chair, medicines and drugs.
  22. electric chair, injunction, gas chamber
  23. public whipping :)
  24. imprisonment?
  25. i don't know.
  26. "until the living head is planted. i don't know, to be honest."
  27. electric chair, gas chamber, special medication
  28. expert, electric chair
  29. to send to the chair
  30. execution, hanging, lethal injection, sitting in the electric chair
  31. two live heads
  32. -
  33. put in jail or punish in some other way...
  34. electric chair, gas
  35. -
  36. -
  37. jail, public works, etc.
  38. i don't know.
  39. imprisonment, fine
  40. i don't really know, sorry.
  41. sentence, conviction to serve time, community service
  42. drug/poison injection, electric chair
  43. electric chair, poison, maybe a shooting? :d
  44. beheading, planting on bamboo :), limb severing, poisoning, electric chair, seasoning
  45. administration of mirtinos drug doses
  46. power chair, electric chair, poison, shot dead
  47. restriction of freedom, community service
  48. electric chair, guillotine
  49. gas, cut off a head with a knife or make a headshot :)
  50. life imprisonment
  51. and siberia
  52. hanging, shooting, injection
  53. ,..
  54. workshop, electric chair
  55. reduction
  56. make an abortion when it is extremely dangerous to the mother and child
  57. jail
  58. electric chair
  59. shot them
  60. saddam hussein
  61. life imprisonment