determinants of students performance in accounting department

1. your gender

2. Which batch do you belong to

3. Marital status affect student performance

4. Students who studied accounting at high school ( accounting specialization) have higher grads than others

5. Non-worker students get higher grades than the worker students

6. Students get higher grades when the exam policy is midterm

7. Students prefer test1 and test2 rather than midterm

8. Students think that project courses are better than quiz or case study

9. Students think that if they take 4-5 subjects they will do better than if they take 6-7 subjects

10. attendance affects students performance

11. other variables affecting students performance

  1. family background
  2. friend circle; family environment
  3. there are some of them that i didn't agree with, but not strongly, and there was no option for that.
  4. teaching quality
  5. family issues, standard of living
  6. how good is the doctor?
  7. 请提供您希望翻译的文本。
  8. exam schedule........ doctors are significantly different from others in the same subject.
  9. the dr the amount of chapters
  10. teachers are affecting students' performance.
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