Differences between asphalt and gravel roads: drivers' opinions on their quality and comfort

Hello! I am a second-year student at VIKO and I am conducting a survey that will help better understand the latest trends and opinions in our community. Your opinion is very important as it will help shape future decisions and initiatives.

This survey is short and completely anonymous, so you can feel free to share your thoughts.

Please take a few minutes of your time to answer the questions. Your input will be valuable not only to me but to the entire community.

You can respond to the survey by clicking the link below:

Thank you for your time and contribution!

Results are publicly available

1. How often do you have to drive on gravel roads?

2. What percentage of your usual trips take place on gravel roads?

3. What type of vehicle do you use most often?

4. How do you rate the quality of asphalt roads in your region?

5. How do you rate the quality of gravel roads in your region?

6. How often do you encounter surface problems on asphalt roads?

7. How do you rate the comfort of driving on asphalt roads?

8. How do you rate the comfort of driving on gravel roads?

9. Do you think your vehicle is adequately suited for driving on gravel roads?

10. How do gravel roads affect the condition of your car?

11. How do you rate the impact of asphalt roads on the condition of your car?

12. Do you think gravel roads should be paved more often?

13. What do you think should be improved in the maintenance of gravel roads?

14. How do you think the condition of asphalt roads could be improved?

15. Do you think that investments in paving gravel roads should be a priority?