Drivers' behaviour will improve in 10 years.

Questionnaire results are publicly available

What is your gender?

What is your age?

What is your education?

Do you have a car?

What kind of people do usually ignore road rules?

How often do you ignore road rules?

What should be done to make drivers behave more responsibly on roads?

What are the reasons of ignoring road rules?

Who should take care of drivers’ behavior on roads?

Are younger drivers less aggressive?

Do you think that Vilnius and Kaunas drivers’ tolerance will change to the better?

Are women driving more responsibly than men?

In the future drivers will be:

Do you use a sound signal when you drive a car?

What method could be best to reduce road deaths?

Is there enough information about traffic rules?

Can heavier fines teach drivers to be more responsible on roads?

Would a police officer patrolling all day long in cities improve drivers’ behavior?

What are you doing when an other car driver beeps to you from the back?

Do you allow pedestrians go in unregulated crossings?

Have you ever been in a horrible auto accident?

Have passing cars drivers ever stopped to help you and other passengers?

Do you drive through a crossroad when a red streetlight is burning?