Duflot Law

Seloger Paris is an all-in-one real estate site that gives you the local scoop about homes for sale, apartments for rent, neighborhood insights, and real estate markets. http://www.selogerneuf.com/investir_duflot.htm

Questionnaire results are publicly available

In general, do you think now is a...

Great time for people to buy a home
Good time for people to buy a home
OK time for people to buy a home
Not a good time for people to buy a home
Bad time for people to buy a home

Do you feel the real estate market in your area is...

Very stable
Somewhat stable
Teetering between stable and unstable
Still a bit unstable
Very unstable

Over the next year, do you feel real estate prices in your area will..

Increase substantially
Increase somewhat
Stay about the same
Decrease somewhat
Decrease substantially