Earth Day 2016 survey - vs2

Thank you for your taking this short survey. As a fellow resident on this planet your opinions on sustainability issues are important. This info will be used to help us decide direction in various areas such as event and group planning. The estimated time to take this survey is less than 3 minutes. Look> If you take this survey and complete the contact info you will be entered to win a prize in a drawing.

If you have any questions or comments feel free to contact Ray Osborne [email protected] or call 904-290-1513

PS. Please be assured your contact information will always be treated confidentially and will not be traded or sold.

Earth Day 2016 survey - vs2
Questionnaire results are available only to the author

1) Including this one, how many Earth Day events have you attended?

2) Please rate from 0-4 your level of interest in sustainability issues; 0 neutral, 4 the highest interest, and 5 more info requested.

More efficient use of resources
Learning new renewable and sustainable practices
Electric vehicles
Planting and farming
Green jobs
Green building and LEED certification
Green business
Green events
Lagoon health
Oyster mats
Clean up bashes
Tree or sea oat planting
Earth Days
Advocacy with local government
Reducing carbon footprint
Vegan lifestyle
Virtual meetings, seminars, and work environments

3) Please rate from 0-4 your level of interest in Clean Energy; 0 neutral, 4 the highest interest, and 5 more info requested.

Solar energy purchase
DIY Solar energy projects
Community solar energy cooperative purchases
Solar energy technology I can use
Solar energy advocacy
Creative funding such as PACE
Energy-from-Waste projects
Wind energy
Ways to reduce costs
Estimating and roof reviews

4) Consider the following organizations; choose 0 if you've not heard of them, 1 if you've heard of them, 2 if you are an active member, 3 if you would like to learn more about them.

Friends of a local or state park
Sierra Club
Keep (our area) Beautiful
Green Building Council
Green Biz
League of Women Voters
Green America
Floridians for Solar Choice
Citizens Combating Climate Change
350 Org
Pachamama Alliance
Rethink Energy Florida
Pickens Plan
Green Florida on Facebook
Other social media green groups
Wildlife fund

5) Do you like to volunteer for environmental causes?

6) How important is it to you to buy a product or service that applies green principles?

7) What answer best describes your thoughts on climate change?

Based on your answers we can send you relevant information. List your preferred form of contact i.e.: email address, text mobile number, Twitter, Facebook handle, etc.

Anything you would like to add? i.e.: what was your favorite thing on Earth Day. Thanks for taking this survey.

What is your gender?

Age range

Please input your zip code