Employee engagement and participation

Your gender

What age group do you belong to?

Do you think employee engagement and participation is important (for both employees and employers) or not?

What do you think are the factors that encourage employee engagement?

all answers are suitable

  1. communication
  2. collaboration
  3. all answers are correct.
  4. career opportunities
  5. communication
  6. collaboration
  7. comfortable work environment
  8. flexible working hours
  9. salary
  10. these answers are appropriate.

Do you think the factors that encourage employee engagement depend on the age of the employees?

How do you think an engaged employee improves work performance?

What would encourage you the most to engage in work activities?

  1. monetary incentive
  2. When I love the work
  3. career opportunities
  4. common goals, agreements and their adherence, collaboration, listening to my opinion, taking it into account, support and backing from the leader, evaluation.
  5. Jauki darbo aplinką ir atlyginimas
  6. salary
  7. Darbo ir asmeninio gyvenimo balansas- galimybė derinti darbą su asmeninėmis pareigomis ir laisvalaikiu.
  8. Pinigai
  9. Karjeros galimybės – augimo, mokymosi ir tobulėjimo perspektyvos.
  10. Darbo aplinka
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