Employee's perceived exploitation at work

Dear Respondent,

The purpose of this study is to determine how employees perceive exploitation at work. Your opinion in this study is very important. We ensure that your data will not be published, you do not need to provide your personal information, and the data collected during the study will be used only to formulate generalized conclusions. Please mark the appropriate response option with an "X" or write your own. Thank you in advance for your time.

Results are available only to the author

1. Please evaluate the indicators below that you believe affect the feeling of exploitation at work, where 1 – has no effect at all; 7 – has a very large effect. ✪

has no effect at allnegligible effectalmost no effectneither has nor has an effecthas a small effect.has a large effect.has a very large effect.
Living conditions
Working hours
Working conditions (safety, environment)
Labor rights

2. Please evaluate the exploitation at work in your organization where 1 – completely disagree, 7 – completely agree. ✪

completely disagreeDisagreePartially disagreeNeither agree nor disagreePartially agreeAgreeCompletely agree.
As long as I work in the organization, it will continue to exploit me
My organization will never stop exploiting me.
This is the first time my organization has exploited me.
My organization takes advantage of the fact that I need this job.
My organization forced me to sign a contract that is unilaterally beneficial to the organization.
I am a modern slave.
My organization treats me poorly because I am dependent on it.
My organization exploits loopholes in labor contracts to avoid proper compensation.
My organization takes advantage of the fact that I need this job to avoid proper compensation
My organization pays me too little because it knows I really need this job.
My organization expects that I will be able to work at any time without additional pay.
My organization does not provide me with job security because it wants to have the option to dismiss me at a convenient time for it.
My organization uses my ideas for its personal gain without recognizing me for them.
My organization does not care if it harms me as long as it benefits from my work.

3. Please evaluate the statements below about your current workplace and working conditions, where 1 – completely disagree, 7 – completely agree. ✪

completely disagreeDisagreePartially disagreeNeither agree nor disagreePartially agreeAgreeCompletely agree.
I feel emotionally safe communicating with people at work
I feel safe from any emotional or verbal abuse at work
I feel physically safe communicating with people at work
I receive good healthcare services at work
I have a good healthcare plan at work
My employer provides acceptable healthcare options
I am not paid properly for my work
I do not think I receive adequate compensation for my qualifications and experience
I am compensated properly for my work
I do not have enough time for non-work-related activities
I do not have time to rest during the workweek
I have free time during the workweek
The values of my organization align with my family values
The values of my organization align with my community values
As far back as I can remember, I have had very limited economic or financial resources
For most of my life, I have faced financial problems
As far back as I can remember, I have struggled to make ends meet
For most of my life, I considered myself poor or very similar to poor
For most of my life, I did not feel financially stable
For most of my life, I had fewer economic resources than most people.
Throughout my life, I have had many interpersonal relationships that often made me feel rejected.
Throughout my life, I have had many experiences that made me feel differently valued than others.
As far back as I can remember, I felt differently valued in various community settings
I have not been able to avoid feelings of isolation
I feel quite satisfied with my current job
Most days I am enthusiastic about my work.
Every day at work feels like it never ends
I am satisfied with my work.
I think my job is quite unpleasant
In many ways, my life is close to my ideal.
My living conditions are excellent.
I am satisfied with my life
So far in life, I have received important things that I want.
If I could live my life over again, I would change almost nothing.

4. You are ✪

5. Your nationality OR country of origin ✪

6. Your age (please enter how old you turned on your last birthday) ✪

7. Your education ✪

8. Your marital status: ✪

9. Your work experience in the organization (please enter in years).......... ✪