Engine of a Million Plots song ratings

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On a scale of 1 to 5, rate how much you like each song

1. I don't really like this song
2. The song is ok, but I don't feel like it fits on the album
3. Song is appropriate, but just ok
4. It's a good song
5. It's one of the best songs on the album
Track 1 "Against a Sea of Troubles"
Track 2. "So Far"
Track 3. "Zen & the Art of Xenophobia"
Track 4. "We Own the Skies"
Track 5. "Someone Else's Problem"
Track 6. "I Am Jack's Smirking Revenge"
Track 7. "To Start a Fire"
Track 8. "Battle Dancing Unicorns with Glitter"
Track 9. "Into Your Veins"
Track 10. "It Was a Dark & Stormy Night"
Track 11. "I've Seen the Sun"
Track 12. "Blizzards & Bygones"