Enhancements to Devotional Sex

There are many different ways that Devotional Sex can be enhanced while maintaining or even strengthening the underlying dynamic.

These ways are all listed HERE on my website.

This poll is to find out which of these my readers would like me to write more about next.

If there is a particular sub-topic of an enhancement you would like written soon then you can let me know in the comment box at the end. 

Please only fill out all of this survey once. But if you wish to add a comment later on, just fill in the first 2 questions so I know something about you, skip the rest, and write your comment at the end.


His age is:

We ...

For each of the enhancements listed below, how interested are you in me writing more about ...


    Multi-Orgasmic Man (ie he learns the Taoist technique of having orgasms without ejaculating):

    Tantric Activities (ie having some sessions where the techniques presented in books on Tantra are enjoyed):

    Mild Kinky Activities (ie including some kinky fun but not going as far as strong BDSM):

    Telling Others (ie reasons why you might want to tell others and advice on how to go about this):

    Shared Activities (ie Enjoying Devotional activities either in front of or with others. Activities can remain mild, or, if he is willing and she wishes there are lots of new things to try):

    Tantric Devotion (ie adding a spiritual element to your practice of Devotional Sex):

    Have you got any comments you wish to make about the enhancements to Devotional Sex?

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