Examining the intersection of artificial intelligence and creative writing

Hello, my name is Dovilė Balsaitytė. I am a KTU second year student studying "New Media Language". I am conducting this research to examine the intersection of artificial intelligence and creative writing. The research is created for educational purposes. This survey should take 3-5 minutes to complete. Please answer these questions truthfully. Your responses are confidential and anonymous.

If You have any questions contact me on: [email protected]

Thank You for participating.

Examining the intersection of artificial intelligence and creative writing
Questionnaire results are available only to the author

What is your age? ✪

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What is your Gender ✪

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Where do you live? ✪

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Are you concerned about AI replacing human writers in the future? ✪

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How do you feel about the intersection of AI and creative writing? ✪

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How do you think about the statements below? ✪

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Somewhat agree
Somewhat disagree
AI can eventually write creative works that are indistinguishable from those written by humans
AI is a valuable tool for overcoming writer's block and generating new story ideas
Creative writing generated by AI should be clearly labeled as such to avoid misleading readers
Using AI in creative writing diminishes the value and originality of human-written stories
In the future, successful creative writing will likely involve a collaboration between humans and AI

How would you rate these ethical considerations of creating stories while using AI? ✪

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Should AI-generated creative writing be labeled differently than human-written works? Why? ✪

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Could AI help teach creative writing? ✪

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How can AI best assist human writers in the creative process? (e.g., plot development, character creation) ✪

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What genres of creative writing would benefit most from AI assistance? (e.g., science fiction, fantasy) ✪

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User Feedback

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