Exploring factors affecting passenger’s selection of franchised bus as access mode to airport in Hong Kong.

I am a final year student of Aviation Management in Coventry University. I am doing a research project on exploring factors affecting passenger’s selection of franchised bus as access mode to airport in Hong Kong. In this questionnaire, it will focus on the franchised bus. I really appreciate your help since I need to analyse the feedback and comments for my final year project. I hope you will be able to spare a few minutes to help me complete the following questionnaire. The collected data is used only for academic purpose and will be kept confidential.

I am a student of Aviation Management in Coventry University. I am conducting a research project to explore factors affecting passengers’ selection of franchised buses to Hong Kong International Airport. In this questionnaire, the focus will be on franchised buses. As my graduation thesis requires your valuable insights for analysis, I hope you can spare a few minutes to complete the following questionnaire. The information you provide will be used solely for academic purposes and will be kept confidential.

Franchised bus to Hong Kong International Airport (toHong Kong International Airport’s franchised bus)

1) Long Win Bus Company Limited Long Win Bus Company Limited


2) Citybus Limited Citybus Limited


Questionnaire results are publicly available

1. Your purpose for going to the airport ✪

(You can select more than one option)

2. What mode of transport do you take to reach the airport? ✪

3. Attitude toward transportation modes ✪

1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Slightly disagree
4 Slightly agree
5 Agree
6 Strongly agree
For me, taking a franchised bus to Hong Kong International Airport is overall fast.
For me, taking a franchised bus to Hong Kong International Airport is overall comfortable.
For me, taking a franchised bus to Hong Kong International Airport is overall convenient.
For me, taking a franchised bus to Hong Kong International Airport is overall safe.
For me, taking a franchised bus to Hong Kong International Airport is overall pleasant.
For me, taking a franchised bus to Hong Kong International Airport is overall good.
For me, taking a franchised bus to Hong Kong International Airport is overall punctual.
For me, taking a franchised bus to Hong Kong International Airport is overall cheap.

4. Influence of friends, family, and media ✪

1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Slightly disagree
4 Slightly agree
5 Agree
6 Strongly agree
Most of the important people in my life would support my choice of taking a franchised bus to Hong Kong International Airport.
Most of the important people in my life believe that I should choose a franchised bus to Hong Kong International Airport.
The government’s transportation policies will influence my choice of taking a franchised bus to Hong Kong International Airport.
Public opinion will influence my choice of taking a franchised bus to Hong Kong International Airport.

5. Interactions with franchised buses ✪

1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Slightly disagree
4 Slightly agree
5 Agree
6 Strongly agree
I find that the payment methods for franchised buses are simple and easy to understand.
I find that the facilities of franchised buses are easy to use and understand.
I find that the luggage check-in services of franchised buses are easy to use and understand.
For me, taking a franchised bus to Hong Kong International Airport is easy.
Overall, taking a franchised bus to Hong Kong International Airport is easy.

6. My intentions ✪

1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Slightly disagree
4 Slightly agree
5 Agree
6 Strongly agree
I strongly intend to take a franchised bus to Hong Kong International Airport.
The likelihood of me switching to taking a franchised bus to Hong Kong International Airport next time is very high.
I will try taking a franchised bus to Hong Kong International Airport next time.

7. Gender ✪

8. Age ✪

9. Marital status ✪

10. Nationality ✪

11. Education level ✪

12. Occupation ✪

13. Monthly income (in HKD) ✪