Facebook acquisition of WhatsApp

As a student at FIBS, I am destined to write a Research paper for my Minor studies. Therefore, I would like to grant you access to my survey because as my clients you are important to me for my conclusions and recommendations I am about to make relating to my topic of research. I would like to thank you in advance for your spare time and have fun!

How old are you?

What is your sex?

Since how many years have you been using Facebook?

Since how many years have you been using Facebook?

How long have you been using WhatsApp?

How long have you been using WhatsApp?

What do you use Facebook primarily for?

Other option

    Is there any feature on Facebook you would like to improve?


      What advantages does Facebook give you?

      Do you use WhatsApp or Facebook more often?

      Do you use WhatsApp or Facebook more often?

      Why do you prefer it?


        What group of people do you use WhatsApp to chat with?

        Other option

          11. As a common policy of WhatsApp is to be free from advertising and free for use. Is there something you would like to change about these two features?



            Do you think that Facebook is the suitable match for WhatsApp?



              Do you think that you can stop using WhatsApp only because you don’t like Facebook?

              Is there a feature you want to add to WhatsApp?


                If Facebook decided to synchronize your account with WhatsApp, what would be your answer?

                Other option

                  Create your questionnaireAnswer this form