Factors, affecting the usage intensity of public transportation system in Lithuania


I am Olga Krutova and I am doing a research about urban public transport usage in Lithuania. Your answers are extremely important in order to define why people are using or not using public transport, what are reasons and how it could be improved.

So I am asking to carefully read the questions and answer them from your own perspective. It will take you around 10 minutes. Survey is completely anonymous. Results of the survey will be used for my master thesis.

Thank you in advance!

Questionnaire results are available only to the author

1. Do you use public transportation for daily needs (get to work, university, etc)? If not, write the transportation mode you use (car, taxi or other)

2. Do you use public transportation for special occasions (go shopping, get to a meeting etc)? Yes / No

3. If you use car daily, skip to the question 6. Why do you use public transportation for daily needs? (easy access, low cost, comfortable, no need to drive yourself, etc) Please name 4 or more reasons

4. Do you consider the possibility of switching from public transportation to private car usage?

5. Why do you consider / not consider the possibility of switching from public transportation to private car usage?

6. If you use public transportation daily, skip to the question 10. Why do you use private car for daily needs? Please name 4 or more reasons

7. Do you consider the possibility of switching from using private car to public transportation?

8. Why do you consider / not consider the possibility of switching from using private car to public transportation?

9. If you use a car daily, what could public transportation system change to make you switch the transportation mode? Name 4 or more reasons

10. What advantages do you see in using private car? (no other people around, independency etc) Please name 4 or more reasons.

11. What disadvantages do you see in using private car? (parking payment, traffics etc) Please name 4 or more reasons

12. What disadvantages do you see in using public transportation? (too crowded, slowly etc) Please name 4 or more reasons

13. What advantages do you see in using public transportation? (cheaper, no need to drive etc) Please name 4 or more reasons.

14. Do you agree with the statement that using public transportation is lowering your social status?

15. With the existence of public transportation lanes on the roads that help avoid traffics, would you use public transport instead of a private car?

16. Please, explain your answer for the previous question

17. What obvious disadvantages of urban transportation system resources and infrastructure you see? (old transport, bad transit options, payment system)? Name 4 or more reasons

18. Do you consider public transportation useful for the economy of Lithuania? (providing work opportunities, reducing CO2 emission, bringing money to the budget, etc)

19. Please, explain your answer for the previous question

20. Do you think public transportation system in your city has improved / become worse within the last 3 years?

21. Please, explain your answer for the previous question

Your gender

Your age

City you live in