Factors Influencing Consumers' Intent to Buy Clothing Online (EN)

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1) Name

2) Gender

3) Age

4) Monthly Income (currency - hryvnia)

5) I buy clothing online because it is a convenient and accessible way to make a purchase.

6) I enjoy shopping online because search engines help to find all the necessary information.

7) I can easily choose the clothing I need from the online range thanks to a clear description of its key parameters (such as appearance, size, color, etc.).

8) Buying clothing online has advantages due to favorable transaction policies with customers.

9) It is very easy to return clothing to sellers that sell it online. In case of any defect in the received clothing, I can easily return it and get the money paid for the purchase back.

10) I consider buying clothing online through any online resource risky due to the insecurity of my personal data (risk of credit card number disclosure, etc.).

11) I cannot evaluate the clothing offered online by touch, nor can I assess my satisfaction and feelings about the offered item.

12) The delivery of clothing ordered online takes more time compared to the time spent buying the same items offline.

13) I consider buying clothing online more risky than buying clothing offline.

14) The clothing I see when shopping online differs from what I receive as a result of ordering and delivery.

15) Buying clothing online does not satisfy me because I cannot try on the selected clothing and cannot touch it to assess its quality.

16) I can get a complete picture of the available clothing and its brands by searching for information online.

17) When making a purchase of clothing online, I rely on 1) my own experience and knowledge about the quality of this clothing 2) reviews about its manufacturer and 3) the reputation of the web resource on which the purchase is made.

18) Buying clothing online allows me to manage the shopping process privately compared to offline shopping.

19) I am incredibly happy if I buy clothing online at discounts.

20) Buying clothing online allows me to interact better with the seller and learn more about the quality of the fabric and the production processes related to the manufacturing of this clothing.

21) I prefer to buy clothing online primarily because, as a result of this purchase, I feel satisfied.

22) I prefer to buy clothing online because of the availability of information about beneficial price offers.

23) Buying clothing online helps me save time (compared to making a purchase offline).

24) I prefer to buy clothing online if I have a specific idea of what item I want to buy.