Factors influencing shadow economy in Nigeria

3. The recommendation to lower the participation in the shadow economy: Please provide at least 3 measures, which could be the most effective minimizing the participation of shadow economy:

  1. Improve citizen's social life Provide more jobs
  2. -increase employment opportunities -fight against corruption -reduce taxes
  3. 1. Having an efficient system in place. 2. Proving more jobs and increase the minimum wages. 3. Continues improvememt of the politcal, economical, cultural and social systems.
  4. Increase minimum wage Constant electricity should be put in place Provision of loan for business owner
  5. Jobs period
  6. 1. 1. Find ways for government to be accountable for every money spent. 2.. Tax exemptions and cr dits for small business. 3. On the job training with government issue tax cuts for college graduates.
  7. Better job training, more tax incentives for small business owner.
  8. Wages Jobs internet
  9. Internet paymentmethods Tax wages Create jobs
  10. Jobs Internet payment Tax Wages