Farewell Opera?

Under which name(s) have you been active in the Opera newsgroups and forums? (completely optional!)

  1. http://my.opera.com/medium/
  2. emdek
  3. ashus
  4. 4ndrea
  5. frenzy
  6. the text "gonjlz" does not appear to be a word in any recognizable language. please provide more context or check for any typographical errors.
  7. robyshot
  8. h0lley
  9. computer
  10. engelium
  11. geoff_g
  12. saskatchewan
  13. wheany
  14. avola
  15. wolf-2
  16. none
  17. darling
  18. the dolphins, gray
  19. rossini
  20. wojtek
  21. constantan
  22. koimark
  23. money4
  24. petval
  25. operatic
  26. altarius
  27. /
  28. matteosorrenti, (matte0), cicciob
  29. masterphw
  30. m-z
  31. nofanboy
  32. gorankx
  33. mkrpl
  34. surfer's world
  35. not....
  36. rondey90
  37. potato
  38. lovkov
  39. capsule
  40. jesus_pepper
  41. achim3
  42. ts, raven
  43. pincopallino
  44. olihen
  45. anonymouse
  46. creeper