Farewell Opera?

If you switch: Your farewell message to Opera

  1. You can get more users by supporting minority groups like Linux users. And add more customizing features. For example Chrome on Linux is deeply flawed for video watching. On Linux, I can happily use Opera 12.xx, which is much faster than Firefox and less resource intensive. If the webkit changeover removes any Opera benefits over Chrome, I have no reason to use it. You might all go home, Opera developers.
  2. You just threw away almost all the nice things I loved in Opera, and that made it so unique and special. Now I see no point in using it anymore. There are better alternatives out there. Thanks for *having been* the best browsing experience all these years and good luck.
  3. Why?
  4. PLEASE!! Bring back the security with the saved passwords! I hate not to save my website passwords because they ARE visible with a few click in settings! -> Be able to resize the speed dial; -> Tab stacking -> Mail client I understand this was a major update and Opera is fast, stable(not like chrome), and I like it, but there are still things that I(/we, opera users in general) miss from the old Opera and the old Opera was different from any other browser! That was what most of the Opera users liked in it! Thank you for reading this, I hope that this become possible in a near future! :D Diogo Filipe
  5. Opera was totaly ads- free, Opera was customizable, i'll check from time to time how opera works in case u change ur way
  6. Please don't change
  7. :(
  8. "Can't believe you, Opera. Disappointed." Tyrone, Sunnyvale Trailer Park
  9. I see no reason to abandon Presto it was fine for me. I use the speed dial shortcuts to navigate and without this I may as well use IE. Thanks a lot for the great browser while it existed!
  10. offff