Farewell Opera?

If you switch: Your farewell message to Opera

  1. Thanks for all the years providing me a great piece of software. Your new direction doesn't fit my needs so its time to say good bye
  2. Opera could have it all if they just changed the name of the browser...
  3. Hire me to help develop Presto. :P
  4. Detonate the office
  5. http://my.opera.com/Jezus_Depeper/blog/2013/05/28/internet-is-vandaag-een-beetje-gestorven (dutch) Summary: Today Internet has died a little bit, Opera the internet suite is gone
  6. I am thankful and sad, good luck.
  7. I have no problem with rebuilding Opera from scratch using Blink, but this version should not leave alpha/beta stadium as long as important features of the original Opera have not been implemented. -EXTREMELY IMPORTANT: give an option (back) to download something without adding the ntfs stream that makes ms windows display the warning that this file is downloaded executable content (I HATE THAT STUFF AND OPERA v12 WAS THE ONLY BROWSER WHICH WAS ABLE TO SAVE WITHOUT THAT) -interface:you should expand the buttons for minimize,maximize and close in height so that they fill up the tabs bar, the space below is wasted anyways and they are harder to click at when they are smaller -missing CUSTOMIZABLE INTERFACE (one of Operas most exciting features in the past was the ability to freely adjust the interface, (e.g: i like to have a small toolbox visible next to the adress bar to show and change current zoom level), however default interface after installation looks reasonable for most users i think -give option to make "Downloads"-view remember that it was previously in 'detailed' view, another option to make it open as soon as a download is started -Give an option, which tab to focus when closing the active tab (in old opera the default setting was to display the tab that was last active and not that one that is most right in the tab bar) -Bring back the Recycler Button for previously closed tabs (function is present but inconvenient to reach via Opera menu) -> again this is in fact a request to bring back customizable interface -Bring back private TAB instead of only private WINDOW -there is no way to see the previous typed addresses (adress bar drop down menu) - do something with download page... there are no options but... I wanna be able to start opening/playing files before they will be downloaded. (at least as old opera made it... avi or mkv wasn't problem in vlc player... now it is a huge problem), want to have context menu for downloads (at least to select "open with") -session saving / loading
  8. I can't belive you have taken away everything that made Opera the best browsing experience
  9. It switched to Opera after Netscape bcame obsolete/unusable. I instantly liked the integrated Mail and the speed. Also, it could open multiple windows in the same main window - and later, in tabs! I paid for the browser, even though IE and Netscape were free. Opera was indisposable for almost all the time I have been browsing the Web... It's the one program I always have open. I will miss it and will have a hard time replacing it.
  10. This is Opera seppuku (ritual Japanese suicide). It would at least be nice to know why you have surrendered to Google!