Female Travelling

Are there any reasons in particular that have stopped you from travelling prior to now? And if so, what? (e.g health issues, money, concerns)

  1. Money and coronavirus
  2. Money
  3. Wanted to get uni done & start a career.
  4. Too expensive/not sure where to get the best deals, no one to go with/wouldn’t want to go alone, not confident with travelling due to lack of experience
  5. Money issues
  6. I think responsibilities (dog, mortgage) and then there’s the massive thing of being a female and travelling by yourself - I don’t think I’d feel comfortable.
  7. Hasn’t been the right time: been at uni, now got my dream job. Also money is an issue-I want to travel South America and would want enough money to be comfortable there; I feel like it isn’t the place to travel on a budget.
  8. Lack of money Personal safety
  9. Expensive, career
  10. Work related - how to get enough time off of work to be able to travel for a sufficient amount of time, would I need to quit my job to travel? Money while you’re out there - should u save before you go or try and get a job while you’re there maybe - wouldn’t be sure how to do that. Safety is also a worry! Going to a new place and meeting new people etc is daunting.