Are there any reasons in particular that have stopped you from travelling prior to now? And if so, what? (e.g health issues, money, concerns)
finding the inspiration and courage to go alone
lack of funds is the main reason.
money concerns and traveling alone due to safety reasons as a female.
being kidnapped or attacked
no money and i don't feel safe traveling alone.
money and taking time off work. also the pandemic.
saving enough money and having to plan
money, covid, leaving my current workplace.
covid restrictions
money, living out of a suitcase, being lonely, getting lost, feeling ill
working / education
time off work
work, money
money, safety
job commitments
i wouldn’t particularly want to travel on my own because i’d like the safety of being with someone i know. money has stopped me before as it’s such a commitment to saving all your money for a few months travelling and then you have to think you need some money for when you get back. i have been travelling before with a friend and definitely think it’s worth it though!
safety concerns of being alone, would prefer to go with a group of friends.
as a recent graduate, the issue is mainly money. there are so many places i’d like to visit, but my studies have always been my financial priority.
money/ work commitments
money and time.
covid 19
maybe the issue is getting a long period off work.
jobs, money, covid!!
money and coronavirus
wanted to finish university and start a career.
too expensive/not sure where to get the best deals, no one to go with/wouldn’t want to go alone, not confident with traveling due to lack of experience.
money issues
i think about responsibilities (dog, mortgage) and then there's the huge issue of being a woman and traveling alone - i don't think i would feel comfortable.
it hasn't been the right time: i've been at university, and now i've got my dream job. also, money is an issue—i want to travel to south america and would want enough money to be comfortable there; i feel like it isn't the place to travel on a budget.
lack of money
personal safety
expensive, career
work-related - how to get enough time off work to be able to travel for a sufficient amount of time, would i need to quit my job to travel? money while you’re out there - should you save before you go or try to get a job while you’re there maybe - wouldn’t be sure how to do that. safety is also a worry! going to a new place and meeting new people, etc., is daunting.
safety, i wouldn't want to go alone.
work commitments
money, traveling in uncertain territory as a woman - this can be scary, especially when you hear some stories. the right time to do it also comes down to money and work.
personal safety & covid
money and covid
money, personal safety concerns
money and safety
money, would get homesick, wouldn’t feel comfortable going alone.
work holidays
money, illness
i had travels booked but then the pandemic stopped that from happening! i think it can also be daunting for women to go traveling on their own due to safety concerns.