Female Travelling

What would make you feel safer if travelling alone? This can include a list of personal possessions

  1. Increased education aimed toward young boys and men on how to leave women alone… Rape alarms Easy access contact to emergency services Communities where lone travellers can interact
  2. Bum bags so you’re possessions can’t be easily stolen, a rape alarm is reassuring to have as a female!
  3. Attack alarm Find my friends for iPhone Pick pocket proof clothing / extra hidden pockets Water purifier VPN Dummy wallet Device to lock hotel door Power bank First aid kit Emergency contacts Spare cash or card
  4. • An app that can alert my emergency contacts if I find myself in a dangerous situation • Google translate if I’m in a place where English isn’t widely spoken • The little pharmacy I keep in my handbag! • A portable phone charger so that I’m never stuck without a way to communicate/navigate
  5. An online community of others travelling around the same areas as me
  6. Being with somebody, having accommodation booked prior and knowing exactly where I’m travelling to.
  7. Spare bank card & dummy phone
  8. Knowing the places I’m staying are really well known between my friends n family so I know they’re safe n reliable.
  9. Having some sort of self defence tool for emergencies… (pepper spray or a horn to alert others) I’ve travelled alone though and I was fine!
  10. I don’t think anything would make me feel safe alone, I would have to go with a group.