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Final exam in Computer Medicine
What are the largest memories of a PC?
For RAM, what characteristic can I change?
Why does the hard drive slow down when writing or reading in the paging file?
why does the fragmentation of large files occur into smaller files, arranged on different tracks? the read head then slows down when reading these scattered fragments in memory.
why is the speed of the disk used and not that of the ram?
because it behaves like a ram but is used only when the latter is full and there is too much information. as a result, the computer slows down
saturated with information
because the information is temporarily saved on the hard drive and therefore takes up space on the hard disk.
because it means that it is fully utilizing the ram but to avoid a crash it relies on the cache
for file defragmentation
for the latency time
Which memory costs the least?
What does the rotational speed of a hard drive depend on?
from the sum of the seek time, the rotational latency time, and the transfer time.
from the diameter: the larger it is, the lower the speed will be
from the ray
time seek, rotation time, and transfer time
from the diameter of the disc, it is calculated in rpm.
it depends on the size of the disk; a disk with a larger capacity and therefore a larger surface area has a lower rotation speed.
it is inversely proportional to the radius of the disk (therefore to its size)
from the diameter of the disk
Why are serial connections faster?
because the bits travel one after the other, without the electric and magnetic fields interfering with each other.
because the movement of charges is not hindered by the interference of the magnetic field
there is no interference from the electromagnetic fields of moving electrons
there are fewer interferences
because they create less interference
because electrons travel in series, that is, one behind the other, and in this way the interference created by the electric and magnetic fields perpendicular to the path is reduced.
because they interfere less with magnetic and electric fields, so electrons move faster.
less interference is created between the magnetic fields
because no interference is created due to the magnetic fields induced by the flow of current
because they create less electromagnetic interference compared to parallel ones
What are the best features of an SSD?
What does formatting mean?
restore to factory settings
start writing information onto a blank hard drive, creating tracks, sectors, and clusters on each disk.
create tracks and clusters on a memory
incide tracks, clusters, and sectors on a blank disk
to save
etching process of the tracks
formatting is the process that allows the first file to be saved on the hard drive (or ssd).
formatting occurs when the hard disk head first touches the disk and saves the first file.
delete information
write to a hard drive
What are the defects of a magnetic disk?
Create your questionnaire
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