Final Year Project: Composition

Who is the first person you are drawn to in this image? and Why?

  1. Jesus, because he is the central part of the Last Supper.
  2. Don’t know
  3. jesus christ
  4. Jesus
  5. Jesus Christ who is sitting in the centre
  6. lord jesus as he is lord
  7. Jesus Christ. The way the people in this image looks at him in a parallel way, giving a focus point in the middle where he is sitting.
  8. Central bloke as he stands on his own and also there is a strong bright light which enhances his shillouette
  9. Jesus. It's such a famous image that can analysed in so many ways, but you also look towards him first because he is uniquely alone and the central focus.
  10. Jesus. The use of brighter colours and symmetry in the background drew me to him first.