Finally would you consider the Eiffel Tower, The Taj Mahal and The White House to be beautiful/impressive buildings?
only the taj mahal, as it is made of white marble and has a profound story of being built for a king's wife.
the others are not visually impressive.
eiffel tower
definitely. they are masterpieces.
yes. those buildings are extraordinary, with very unique structures, etc.
yes, overall i think they are very beautiful and impressive because of their grand features and large scale, as well as their interesting shapes and forms, mainly like the taj mahal, for example.
impressive, yes - mostly because they are seen as important landmarks for culture and civilization. beautiful? there are nicer buildings.
yeah, each has different reasons for being superior to other buildings, but these three in particular showcase the economic climate of each country at the time; they also express forms of emotion based on their locations.
eiffel tower - love
white house - power
taj mahal - happiness
definitely, i think the taj mahal and the eiffel tower are amazingly beautiful and the white house is impressive.
yeah, definitely.
strange. they were built in different eras. i can't really say. the eiffel tower and the taj mahal are impressive for their times. but the white house is just okay.