Financial Decision-Making Study

Thank you for taking the time to participate in this survey. This study aims to understand how people make financial decisions in various situations. You will be presented with several different scenarios, and we hope to receive your most sincere responses. There are no right or wrong answers – we are simply interested in your honest thoughts and reactions.

Your responses will remain anonymous, and the survey will only take a few minutes. Thank you for your help, and we hope to learn from you!

Questionnaire results are available only to the author

What is your age? ✪

What is your gender? ✪

What is the highest level of education you have completed? ✪

How would you rate your knowledge of financial concepts (e.g., investments, stocks, and bonds)? ✪

Have you ever made an investment decision related to risk, e.g., bought stocks or investment funds? ✪

How do you generally assess your readiness to take financial risks? ✪

Imagine you have 100 euros. You recently won a 50 euro prize and now have a total of 150 euros that you want to allocate for a financial investment. You can choose how much of this amount you want to invest in a risky stock that has a 50% chance of doubling your investment and a 50% chance of losing everything. If you decide not to invest in the risky stock, the amount of money will automatically go into a safe stock that provides a small but guaranteed return. How much of the 150 euros will you allocate to the risky stock? ✪

Imagine you have 100 euros. Unfortunately, due to an unexpected fee, you lost 50 euros from the initial amount and now have a total of 50 euros that you want to allocate for a financial investment. You can choose how much of this amount you want to invest in a risky stock that has a 50% chance of doubling your investment and a 50% chance of losing everything. If you decide not to invest in the risky stock, the amount of money will automatically go into a safe stock that provides a small but guaranteed return. How much of the 50 euros will you allocate to the risky stock? ✪

Imagine you have 100 euros that you want to allocate for a financial investment. You can choose how much of this amount you want to invest in a risky stock that has a 50% chance of doubling your investment and a 50% chance of losing everything. If you decide not to invest in the risky stock, the amount of money will automatically go into a safe stock that provides a small but guaranteed return. How much of the 100 euros will you allocate to the risky stock? ✪

On a scale from 1 to 5, how risky do you consider your decisions? ✪

2 – በጣም ዝቅተኛ የሚወድቅ ነው

Do you think you would make the same decision in real life if it were real money? ✪

Did the circumstances (e.g., initial profit, loss, or no changes) affect your decision? ✪