Folder Uniqueness


We are a young start up Company who is trying to simplify every student’s life! The main idea of our product is to produce a new innovative folder. Not only the design will be new but also the inside of the folder. The focus is on the structure that will be completely done by us. Still you are the creator of your own folder due to the decision of the color, slogan, and the capacity of your folder. Just do it your way!

This will only take you 2 min so please be honest in your answers we appreciate every opinion and new ideas!

Thank you so much for your time!


We are a young company that is trying to simplify the life of every student as it is already complicated enough. The idea of our product is an innovative folder. Sounds simple and it is too. We want to change the design and the interior of a normal folder and make it more useful. The organizational aspect that a folder should provide is the focus here. Nevertheless, you are the designer of your folder as you decide on the color, the slogan, and the capacity. Just do it your way!

This will only take 2 min and we ask for solely honest answers and look forward to every opinion or ideas!

Thank you for your time!

Folder Uniqueness
Questionnaire results are available only to the author

Geschlecht / Gender / Geslacht

Alter / Age / Leeftijd

Residence / Waar woon je?

Beruf / Jobs / Beroep

1) Do you use a folder for your uni/school/work? / 1) Gebruik je een klapper/ordner op school of voor je werk?

2) What kind of folder do you prefer? / 2) Wat voor soort klapper zou je het liefst willen?

3) Which color would you like to have? (please choose two) / 3) Welke kleur ordner/klapper zou je willen hebben? (kies er twee)

4) Would you like to have a little White-Board in your folder? / 4) Zou je een klein white-board in je ordner/klapper willen hebben?

5) Would you like to have space for your pens? / 5) Zou je ruimte voor je pen in je ordner/klapper willen hebben?

6) Would you like to have space for your calculator? / 6) Zou je ruimte voor je rekenmachine willen hebben in je ordner/klapper?

7) Would you like to have a documentbox? (for loose paper) / 7) Zou je een documentenmap in je ordner/klapper willen hebben? (voor losse papieren)

8) Would you like to have sticky note pads? / 8) Zou je in je ordner/klapper post-it's willen hebben?

9) Would you like to have a subject-register? (if yes for how many?) / 9) Zou je in je ordner/klapper tabbladen willen hebben? (zo ja, hoeveel?)

10) Would you like to have your own slogan on the frontpage? / 10) Zou je je eigen gekozen tekst/quote voorop de ordner/klapper willen hebben?

11) Would you like to have your own pictures on the frontpage? / 11) Zou je ruimte willen hebben op voorkant van de ordner/klapper voor foto's in te stoppen?

12) Do you have any other wishes for your folder? Yes, what is it? / 12) Heb je nog andere wensen voor de ordner/klapper? Zo ja, wat zijn deze?

13) How much would you be willing to pay for this folder? / 13) Wat zou jij een degelijke prijs vinden voor deze ordner/klapper?

14) Where would you buy this product? / 14) Waar zou je dit product kopen?

Please type in your E-Mail for lottery (only if you want to take part at the lottery for the 20 € voucher) / Vul uw emailadres in (zodat wij contact met u kunnen opnemen als u de prijs wint)