Formation of psycho-emotional burnout syndrome as a cause of shift work among nursing staff.

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am Farrukhjon Sarimsokov, a fourth-year student of the Nursing Studies program at the Faculty of Health Sciences of Klaipeda State College.

I am conducting a study aimed at establishing the relationship between shift work among nurses and their experience of psycho-emotional burnout. Only nurses working shifts can participate in the study.

We ensure the confidentiality of this data. The survey is anonymous, and the results will be used solely for the preparation of my thesis.

Please read each question carefully and select the answer option that suits you best (mark it with a cross (x)). It is very important that you answer all questions sincerely.

Thank you for your honest answers and your valuable time.

Questionnaire results are publicly available

1. Your gender ✪

Responses to this question are not publicly visible

2. Your age ✪

Responses to this question are not publicly visible

3. Your education ✪

Responses to this question are not publicly visible

4. Your work experience in healthcare ✪

Responses to this question are not publicly visible

5. Your work experience at the current workplace ✪

Responses to this question are not publicly visible

6. Your workload ✪

Responses to this question are not publicly visible

7. The profile of the department you are currently working in ✪

8. How often do you feel as described in the statements provided? (mark the response that suits you best next to each statement) ✪

Responses to this question are not publicly visible
Never / almost never
How often do you feel tired?
How often are you physically fatigued?
How often are you emotionally drained?
How often do you feel worn out?
How often do you think: "I can't do this anymore"?
How often do you feel weak and susceptible to illness?
At the end of the workday, do you feel exhausted?
Are you drained in the morning just thinking about another workday?
Do you feel that each working hour is exhausting?
Do you have enough energy for family and friends in your free time?
Are you tired of working with patients?
Do you sometimes wonder how much longer you can continue working with patients?

9. How strong do you feel as described in the statements provided? (mark the response that suits you best next to each statement) ✪

Responses to this question are not publicly visible
To a very high degree
To a high degree
To a low degree
To a very low degree
Is your work emotionally draining?
Do you feel burned out from your work?
Does your work irritate you?
Do you find it hard to work with patients?
Does working with patients annoy you?
Are you depleting your energy working with patients?