Free time

This questionnaire will be used towards my research which will answer the question on availability of free time via different people.

Do you have a lot of free time?

On average how much time do you have each day?

  1. 2 hours
  2. 4 hours
  3. 1 hour
  4. at least 5 hours
  5. 6 hours
  6. 2 hours
  7. 6 hours
  8. 2-4 hours
  9. nothing
  10. 6 hours

What do you do before or after your free time?

  1. work
  2. study
  3. i go to bed.
  4. reading and sports
  5. depends
  6. work, sleep
  7. working
  8. study
  9. i'm spending time with my friends.
  10. nothing

What is your favourite type of activity during your free time?

Other option

  1. browsing
  2. roon athletic
  3. kakashka rokas

What type of activity do you least like doing during your free time?

Other option

  1. study
  2. athletics
  3. rokakashka

Which of these activities would you love to do right now? (Choose a minimum of 3)

Other option

  1. nothing

Would you say you have enough free time?

Do you think having free time is important?

Please rate these things in terms of importance to your free time.

Who do you mostly spend your free time with?

Other option

  1. myself
  2. rokokikokakashka
  3. alone

Are there any activities that you used to do during your free time that you don't do anymore?

If you answered "Yes" to the last question, please explain why.

  1. after studying, i used to watch the news and then chat with a friend...
  2. due to lack of availability.
  3. played hockey for a long time and had many hours and interest tied to it
  4. playing league
  5. scary
  6. i hate rokokokakashka every day blah blah blah she is pipikaka.

Describe what to you would be the perfect weekend.

  1. have fun
  2. sunday is my only perfect weekend.
  3. total repos
  4. depends. but a good book with a cozy environment sounds just perfect.
  5. laptop bed anime
  6. near the sea
  7. chilling somewhere with my family and friends.
  8. be with your best friends.
  9. i hate rokokokakashka every day blah blah blah she is pipikaka.
  10. when i travel

Are there any free time activities that you would like to start doing but simply don't have the resources to do them?

What activity would that be?

  1. online study
  2. the sport
  3. baptism
  4. there wouldn't be
  5. surfing
  6. shark diving
  7. be with family
  8. to kill rokakakuku every day
  9. to start reading books

What was the last activity you did during your free time?

  1. gaming
  2. realax
  3. sleep
  4. swimming
  5. reading + youtube
  6. halloween party
  7. watching tv
  8. party
  9. i was with my best friend.
  10. killed rokikishka

How old are you?

How much do you earn every month? (Euros)

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