Gustatory-SC English

Welcome to our survey! We are “Gustatory SC” a group composed of 13 students from the Fontys International Business School. At this time we have the project called “Mini Company”. Our assignment is to create and sell a product.

You can help us with only 3 minutes of your time.

Our product is a special cocktail shaker called “U-Shake”. You have different foils with the recipe from your favorite cocktail in an additional book you will get together with the shaker. You can choose your cocktail and the foil out of this booklet. After that you put it on your cocktail shaker and fill in the juice or alcohol to the lines you can see on your foil.

Gustatory-SC English
Results are available only to the author

Please choose your gender

How old are you?

What is your profession?

Do you usually drink cocktails?

If yes, which cocktails are your favorites?

Are you interested in a cocktail shaker where recipes are printed on with the exact measurement of ingredients of your favorite cocktails?

In which language should the recipes be?

What would you be willing to pay for such a cocktail shaker?

How many different cocktail recipes should be makeable with this cocktail shaker?

Should non-alcoholic cocktails be included?

Out of what material should the cocktail shaker be?

Do you prefer a basic cocktail shaker like the first picture or do you favor a special shaker with LED lights like on the second picture?

Is a book as an “add-on” with pictures and short descriptions of the different cocktails interesting for you?

Please feel free to write any suggestions, ideas, and critiques!