Health and Fitness – what importance does this trend hold in the young population?

The following questionnaire concerns all students and trainees residing in North Rhine-Westphalia. By taking 3 minutes of your time, you help students of the Fontys International Business School with a study on the topic: “Health and Fitness – what importance does this trend hold in the young population?”.

We sincerely thank you in advance.

1.) Please select your gender.

2.) How old are you?


    3.) Please select your professional activity.

    4.) How important is fitness and health to you?

    5.) How satisfied are you with your body?

    6.) Do you play sports?

    7.) How many hours per week do you exercise?


      8.) Do you prefer to exercise alone or in a group?

      9.) How much money do you invest in sports per month?

      10.) How often do you eat fast food (including ready-made meals)?

      11.) How often do you cook for yourself?

      12.) How much money do you typically invest per month in healthy eating?


        13.) How often in a week do you treat yourself? (Sweets, cakes, etc.)


          14.) Do you take dietary supplements such as protein shakes, vitamins, etc.?

          15.) Which of the following dietary supplements do you take? (Multiple answers possible)

          16.) How often per week do you take dietary supplements?


            17.) How did you get into sports or what motivates you to exercise?

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